Happy Derby Week - NO Mass on Derby Day There will be no 4 p.m. Reconciliation or 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday, May 4. See you on Sunday!

Weekly #48

Constant Contact Message from 2/16/2021

Hello everybody!

In the midst of our wintery weather, I hope everyone is staying warm and safe. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and Lent begins! We are hopeful that the weather will cooperate and we can have masses for Ash Wednesday at 8:00 am and 7:00 pm. Please keep an eye on our website and social media for the latest updates. If we are able to do so, we will also stream the masses on our YouTube channel. In any case, we transition in Lent to a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It is a time set apart for us to go deeper with God and live more fully our faith. As day seems to flow into day, week to week, and month to month, I encourage you to take this time to mark a change. Make it different and significant. Let God use this time to draw you closer in love. 

It is also time for us to reflect on God’s goodness and respond by making a commitment of our time, talent, and treasure. It is our choice, but it is God’s initiative. In what has been a tumultuous time, our faith continues to sustain and guide us. Your generosity has spurred us on to be the church in the midst of trials, to reach out to those in need, to create new ways of doing things, and to incorporate technology as we connect those who are unable to be present in person. As an act of faith on your part, God uses your generosity to bless you and others through you. You participate in how God touches lives, raises up those cast down, heals broken hearts, and shares his love. God’s hands are your hands. God’s heart, your heart. God “loves a cheerful giver” and gives joy to those who respond generously from all their gifts. 

As the community of St. Pats, we are better together and we need you! In such uncertain times, we have been blessed. Our mass attendance has been down, of course, and in person ministry has been limited, but it is good to see some familiar faces again as more of you get your covid shots and feel more secure returning to mass. It is also great to see new faces as our parish continues to grow and folks find a home at St. Pats. As safety permits, opportunities for ministry and connection will continue to increase. We do need you: your prayers, your time, your efforts, and your financial support. I am grateful for your generosity and our worst case concerns have not materialized. We are down, however, about 7% in weekly giving and have been affected by a monthly decline in envelopes at mass from between $8,000 to $33,000 in various months. Our Beacon of Hope capital campaign giving towards pledges has remained strong, online giving has increased, and we exceeded our goal for the Catholic Services Appeal this year. Thank you! And thank God for you!

We will kick off our 2021-22 Stewardship Renewal on the weekend of March 6/7 with all parishioners receiving your renewal packets and ministry Guidebooks in the mail the last week of February. Although the calendar dates are different, liturgically this is the Third Sunday of Lent. It is the same Sunday, liturgically, which was the last mass before we shut down because of the pandemic. This stewardship process is an opportunity for prayerful reflection on God’s presence in your life, encountering God’s goodness, and responding in faith. Your participation is deeply appreciated and necessary for our community, outreach, and your own journey with God. Together, we can face the challenges of our time and shine the light of God’s love brightly. I am grateful for God’s light in you. May this Lent light a fire in each of our hearts. 


Fr. Jeff

Check out our website for contact info, information, updates, and bulletin.


Important Phone Numbers

Parish Office: 244-6083

School Office: 244-7083

Emergency Line for Sacramental Care: 244-6083 x 498

St. Patrick - Saint Vincent dePaul Conference: 244-6083 x 114

*Requests to the SVDP society are 100% confidential. Call if you or someone you know is in need. 


Parish Office Hours 

Monday thru Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


School Office Hours

Monday - Friday 7:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. In-person learning Monday - Thursday.

Lent at St. Patrick

Ash Wednesday Mass Reservations are Closed! All seat reservations for Ash Wednesday Masses at 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. are closed. Both Masses will be live-streamed on YouTube. Please participate virtually with us. 

Change to the Distribution of Ashes: In accordance with instructions from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, there will be some changes to the distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday this year amid the coronavirus pandemic. At the appropriate time in the liturgy, the priest will bless the ashes and then, aloud to the whole assembly, say the words indicated in the Missal: “Repent and believe in the Gospel” or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” This is said only once and not individually to each person. Ashes will then be distributed to the faithful in the form of sprinkling on the top of the head. This method avoids direct skin contact between persons. While most Americans are more familiar with the placing of ashes on the forehead in the shape of a cross, the sprinkling of ashes is very common in Catholic cultures around the world. The ministers and the faithful wear masks throughout this rite of distribution of ashes. The Church considers the blessed ashes to be a “sacramental” – a tangible sign that inspires reverence as we enter into the holy and penitential season of Lent. While this is an important sign of our faith, it is by no means a requirement. Those who feel uncomfortable may simply choose not to receive ashes this year.

Stations of the Cross will be posted on our YouTube channel on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. Dates: February 24, March 3,10,17 and 24. Due to COVID-19, we will not offer in-person Stations during Lent this year. 

Lenten Reconciliation on the following Wednesdays from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

February 24

March 3, 10, 17 and 24

Curbside Fish Frys Due to projected inclement weather this Friday, February 19, the Fish Fry is CANCELLED! Additional dates: February 26, March 5, 12, 19 and 26.

Ways to Order: Online and App ordering is Fridays only from 4:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. 

  • Curbside - Fridays from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
  • Online via stpatlou.org - Fridays only from 4:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
  • Toast Takeout App: Search St. Patrick Catholic Fish Fry, Fridays only from  4:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.

Enjoy our award winning fish, plus shrimp clam chowder, lobster bisque, cheese pizza and sides. Credit and debit cards only. Discounts for senior citizens, first responders and military. Proceeds benefit the Celtic Athletic Ministry.

Important Triduum and Easter Information: All Triduum and Easter services will require reservations through our ChurchReserve system or visit www.stpatlou.org for instructions and to make a reservation. Due to limitations on how many services can be on the ChurchReserve system at one time, these options will be added at a later date. We will notify you when the Triduum and Easter dates are live on the system. 

Easter Sunday Mass times: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and Noon. All Triduum services will be live streamed along with Easter Vigil and the 10:00 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass. There will be no Easter Sunday evening Mass. 

Lenten Enrichment Offerings

Prayers and Reflections: Every Lenten season, St. Patrick provides a pleasing variety of resources that assist your 40-day journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter. This year, thanks to our parish-wide subscription to FORMED.org, you have access to countless resources including DVD-based Bible studies and adult studies, audio files, movies for the whole family, books, and sign up for a daily email that will provide guidance for your Lenten journey. Also, please pick up one (1) of three different daily prayer books that will step you through each day of Lent. The prayer books are in the church gathering space. As always, Dynamic Catholic Institute is providing free daily prayer opportunities that will be sent to your email inbox. Registration is easy. Click HERE for details. Also find helpful articles and videos on Lent from other generous publishers including Loyola Press, Busted Halo, and Catholic Central at stpatlou.org.

We Are Called: Join St. Patrick and more than 12,000 Catholic communities across the United States—in a life-changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. During these 40 days of Lent, we will reflect on how hunger and malnutrition affect our human family, and on the need to take action to end this global injustice. Visit crsricebowl.org to learn more. To learn about our Rice Bowl program through our CRS Global Fellow, Deacon Scott, visit YouTube. To donate to CRS Rice Bowl online via Pushpay, click HERE and choose Rice Bowl fund.

40 Days for Life Lenten Prayer Campaign: Watch this brief, powerful VIDEO and “Do Something” this Lent and support efforts to end abortion! The campaign runs from Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday, March 28. Each day volunteers will take 1-hour shifts to stand in prayer outside the local abortion clinic from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. St. Patrick Parish has committed to every Tuesday of the campaign (Feb 23, Mar 2, 9, 16 & 23). We are in need of at least two people per hour to stand as prayerful, public witnesses to the dignity of LIFE, especially the innocent unborn child. This is a humble, sacrificial act of our faith -- your heart will be pierced and you will be blessed for & by your witness! To sign up for the hour(s) of your choice, use this link: tinyurl.com/2akk9lhe or contact Joe Gates, mrjoegates@gmail.com or 544-9391. YOU can change the world, one LIFE at a time!

Youth Ministry 1-1-1- Lenten Challenge: Lent begins on February 17 which means prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are about to hit us in full swing! This season is all about detaching ourselves from the comforts of this world so that we can cling only to Christ, the source of our fullness of life. There are a variety of ways we can do that, but if you’re looking for a specific, practical way to dive into this season, consider the 1-1-1 Lenten Challenge. What does this challenge involve?

  • Give up 1 thing
  • Pick up 1 thing
  • Focus on 1 sin or bad habit

St. Patrick Youth Ministry is excited to adapt this challenge from Lifeteen. Click HERE to register your 1-1-1 commitments. By having your commitments recorded, we can help with holding you accountable. We will send you challenge reminders and encouragement to continue with your Lenten promises. When choosing your challenge, be open to the idea of what Jesus is going to do when you seek Him with a sincere heart this Lent. He will do big things!

Praying Together

Mass Reservations Continue for 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses: Those attending the 11:00 a.m. Mass must reserve your seating in the Online System  by 5:00 p.m. on Saturday (the night before). Please allow staff 24 hours to respond with an email confirmation on your reservations. Questions: Contact the parish office at (502) 244-6083.


Saturday - 5:00 p.m.*

Sunday - 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.*

Monday - 5:00 p.m.*

Tuesday - Friday - 8:00 a.m.*

*Streamed Masses

Mass streaming live and archived on:

YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU9INPfZLjina1jNiz8hGpg)

Reconciliation: 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays. If you would like to set up a private appointment with one of our priests, please call the Parish Office (502-244-6083).

Eucharistic Adoration: First Tuesday of each month from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Joining Together 

Youth Ministry: Details and sign-ups for events at Youth Ministry Website

Contact Information: Youth Office (502) 244-6083 ext. 102

Jonna O’Bryan at jobryan@stpatlou.org

Birgit Zepf at bzepf@stpatlou.org

Madison Whitehouse at mwhitehouse@stpatlou.org

Youth Ministry Surveys: Deadline to complete is February 22: During COVID-19, our Youth Ministry team has taken some time to look deeply into our program and find ways to engage our youth in new and exciting ways. One of the ways we can ensure we are meeting the expectations of our young people and their families is to simply ask. Below you will find three surveys. We are asking you to share with us your opinions, types of experiences, areas of involvement and hopes that you would like to see for the Youth Ministry program. Your responses to these questions will allow us better to meet your expectations and help us to provide opportunities that will build relationships with Christ and each other. 




Giving Together


Stewardship: Thanks to all those who are sharing their gifts of time, talent and treasure with St. Patrick. We appreciate your generosity! You can find forms and links for online giving on our website: https://stpatlou.org/giving. If you have questions about your stewardship gifts, ministry offerings and online giving, contact Lynne Marshall, Director of Engagement at (502)244-6083 or lmarshall@stpatlou.org  

Memorial Brick: We invite you to build upon our legacy at St. Patrick by participating in our beautiful Memorial Celtic Cross. You can commemorate your time here, whether it be to honor your family, a baptism, graduation, marriage, deceased family members, a favorite scripture verse, ministry, or team. Become a part of our history and leave a lasting impression on the place we love to call home! All checks are payable to the St. Patrick School Foundation and donations are tax deductible. Contact Lynne Marshall, Director of Engagement at (502) 244-6083 or lmarshall@stpatlou.org.

Brick Order Form