Happy Derby Week - NO Mass on Derby Day There will be no 4 p.m. Reconciliation or 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday, May 4. See you on Sunday!

Weekly #19

Constant Contact Message from 7/28/2020

Hello everybody! 

As cases have risen in our state and the governor has begun implementing additional restrictions again, I wanted to thank you for your diligence in following our safety measures as we gather for worship and ministry at St. Pats. The things we do (wearing a face covering, maintaining 6 ft. distance from other households, using hand sanitizer, cleaning between masses, etc.) are a sign of our respect for life, contribute to the common good of our society, and allow us to keep each other safe. Although the Archdiocese continues to monitor the situation with appropriate civil authorities, your good work these past several weeks significantly influenced the bishops of our Commonwealth to not cancel masses again at the current time. I’m grateful for your efforts, inconveniences, and sacrifices so that we can continue to gather for worship safely. I do remind you that the obligation for mass attendance has been dispensed until further notice and we continue to stream our masses on our YouTube channel for those who cannot or choose not to be in attendance. If you’re in a vulnerable group or have any symptoms, I encourage you to stay safe and take advantage of our online options. For now, our masses will continue as scheduled, including funerals, weddings, and our special first communion celebrations. I am deeply grateful that we are able to do so and I pray daily for your safety, better treatments, and a vaccine. May God continue to be with us. 

I want to offer a special word of thanks to Jonna O’Bryan and the Youth Ministry volunteers and parents that showed up this past Saturday to clean up the patio area outside the John Paul II room. As you can see from the before and after pictures, the outdoor space looks amazing! The indoor renovations for this space are 80% complete. The cabinets, countertops, and furnishings are the final touches and will be finished over the next several weeks. We are grateful for Jonna’s leadership with this project and look forward to the benefits of having a youth space like this for many years to come. Jonna said it’s been great helping the young people make this designated space their own. They cannot wait to use it! 

As I mentioned above, our rising third graders who had to cancel their first communion in the spring will be celebrating the special moment of their First Holy Communion on Friday and Saturday. My appreciation to Tammy Kessler and Julie Roth, as well as, all of our families for their efforts to make this a worthy celebration. Please pray for our children as they prepare this week for this sacramental encounter with Jesus. God bless them and each of you!


Fr. Jeff

Please pray for our rising 3rd graders who are celebrating their First Holy Communion on Friday and Saturday.

Check out our website for contact info, information, updates, and the bulletin:


Important Phone Numbers

Parish Office: 244-6083

School Office: 244-7083

Emergency Line for Sacramental Care: 244-6083 x 498

St. Patrick - Saint Vincent dePaul Conference: 244-6083 x 114

*All requests to the SVDP society are 100% confidential. Call if you or someone you know is in need. 

Parish Office Summer Hours

Monday thru Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Friday from 9:00 a.m - Noon


School Office Summer Hours 

Monday thru Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


First Communion on July 31/August 1: Please continue to pray for our rising third-graders who are celebrating First Holy Communion this Friday and Saturday. Parents of rising second-graders, please make sure to submit your child's Baptism Verification Form in preparation for their upcoming sacraments.

Crusade for Children this Weekend, August 1/2: Since 1955, the Archdiocese of Louisville has contributed millions of dollars to the Crusade for Children. This community-wide effort changes the lives of children with special needs, and many families in the Archdiocese have benefited directly from the Crusade as have our schools, which receive grants to assist students with diverse learning needs. On August 1/2, parishes will be collecting donations for this year’s Crusade. Those who wish to donate may bring contributions to Mass or the parish office. Online donations are available through Pushpay at stpatlou.org. If giving by check, please make your check payable to the parish and put the word “Crusade” in the memo line. Thank you for your generosity. 

July Food Drive: Thanks to those who have helped fill the food pantry! It’s not too late to participate. Bags are located in the church gathering space for your donation of non-perishable food items and toiletries during the month of July. Please drop your bags in the church gathering space. 

Congratulations to Sr. Regina at St. Mary’s Center!

As of June 24, 2020, Sr. Regina has officially retired as Executive Director of St. Mary’s Center. Co-founder, Mary Jo Payne, said “Her love for SMC will be nourished through the skills and vast management experiences of our new Executive Director, Joni Tamalonis.” Upon the lifting of Covid restrictions, Sr. Regina hopes to volunteer and be a positive presence through this transition. SMC plans to hold a welcome reception when the pandemic crisis is safe to meet Joni and new Program Director, Joanna Katsikas. They are excited about their future! St. Patrick has been outreach partners with St. Mary’s Center for many years and our love and support for their mission, Sr. Regina, the students and staff have been so rewarding. We look forward to carrying on this partnership.

Praying Together


Saturday - 5:00 p.m.*

Sunday - 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. 

Monday - 5:00 p.m.*

Tuesday - Friday - 8:00 a.m.*


Mass streaming live and archived on:

YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU9INPfZLjina1jNiz8hGpg)

Reconciliation4:00 p.m. on Saturdays. If you would like to set up a private appointment with one of our priests, please call the Parish Office (502-244-6083).

Resources on Racial Inequality and Systemic Racism 

Click here to connect to an expanded list of Catholic-endorsed resources on racial inequality and systemic racism at the St. Patrick website. 

Learning Together

Families with Young Children Ministry is looking for a new chairperson (or two co-chairs) to help restart this ministry, which brings together families to help young children who are between infant Baptism and preschool. Families meet, get to know one another, and grow in faith. Three or four gathered events are offered throughout the year in October, December,February/March, and May. There is a modest budget to cover expenses for these events. The founding chairperson has lots of wisdom to share with a worthy successor [or two] so you would not be starting from scratch. If you are feeling the call to chair or co-chair this fun and impactful ministry, please contact Tim Grove at tgrove@stpatlou.org or (502) 719-0362.

Gathered RCIA Process to Begin August 17; Inquire About the Catholic Faith: Have you attended Mass for years with your Catholic spouse and now feel ready to explore the teachings of the Catholic faith more fully? Has your child's attendance in the Parish Religious Education Program or St. Patrick School led you to an interest in Catholicism? Are you wondering about life’s deeper meaning and your life’s purpose? Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are invited to “come as you are.” Come and ask questions and learn about the Catholic faith. Find out if the time is right for you to enter the process that leads to the celebration of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and entry into full communion with the Catholic faith. There are no obligations. The RCIA meets from 6:45 to 8:00 p.m. Mondays beginning August 17. It will be a gathered experience but will follow "Safe at Church" protocols including the wearing of masks, social distancing, and sanitizing. For more information, contact Tim Grove at 719-0362 or tgrove@stpatlou.org.

Serve as a Sponsor in the RCIA Process: Every year, men, women, and young adults come to the RCIA process wanting to establish a new or renewed relationship with God and a faith community in the Catholic tradition. Sponsors are always needed to journey with these “inquirers.” Sponsors join the RCIA process in late October and serve as spiritual companions to the inquirers, who many times seek entry into full communion with the Catholic faith through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. They serve October to April as hospitable and welcoming representatives of the parish.Training is provided. Even for sponsors, the RCIA process is a wonderful experience of renewed faith and a deepened spiritual life. If you are feeling called to this form of service, please contact Tim Grove, coordinator of the RCIA, at 719-0362 or tgrove@stpatlou.org.

Thursday Believers New Bible Study This Fall: Join us for a 10-week study entitled “Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life”. This new study from Ascension Press takes a fresh look at Jesus--who he is, what he is really like, what he taught, and what he did for our salvation. This encounter with Christ will inspire and empower you to center your entire life around him as you come to know and love him in an even deeper and more intimate way. This DVD-based study will happen from 8:00-10:00 a.m. on Thursdays, beginning September 10 in Miles Meeting Room. Cost is $15/person. Please register by August 23. Contact Diana Dages at dianadages@gmail.com or (502) 419-1898 to register. 

A Study in Genesis (Part II): Dr. Scott Shuler will be continuing with Part II in his study on the main characters of Genesis which began last fall.This 10 week session will be held Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at St. Patrick beginning September 14. One will gain interesting and valuable insights on Genesis that will touch upon both the old and new testaments.The sessions will be audio recorded and made available in case you miss or choose to listen at home. Details on location and Covid restrictions are being worked out. A head count will be important so if you plan to attend, or want to be signed up for the audio, please contact Joe Gates at mrjoegates@gmail.com or at (502) 544-9391. Sponsored by the Fishermen. 

Children’s Formation

Sunday School is offered to children ages 4 through Grade 1 on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. Currently, this program is scheduled to begin in October. Register for Sunday School HERE.  

Sunday Nursery is offered to children ages 1 through 3. Currently, the opening of this program is unknown due to COVID-19. We hope to open the Nursery in Fall 2020 and would like to establish interest from families. Register HERE if you are interested in utilizing the Nursery.

Serving Together


Habitat for Humanity Volunteers needed: We have (3) more dates to sign-up on August 13, 22 and September 17, to help build a home for Abdulaziz and Fatima and their family. They came to the U.S. four years ago from Egypt. Sign up HERE.

Joining Together

Youth Ministry Opportunities: Details for all Youth Ministry events can be found on the Website. For additional information, contact Jonna O’Bryan at jobryan@stpatlou.org, Birgit Zepf at bzepf@stpatlou.org or Madison Whitehouse at mwhitehouse@stpatlou.org.Office (502) 244-6083

Confirmation: Thursday, November 5, 2020

All details and information can be found on the Confirmation Webpage.


Youth Ministry to Sort and Deliver July Food Drive Goods on Monday, August 3: We will meet in the church gathering space at 9:00 a.m., then sort the collected food and deliver it to Eastern Area Community Ministry. We will also stock the shelves and return to St. Patrick for lunch. Due to Covid 19 and social distancing, we need an adult to attend with their youth and drive to the destination. We are looking for adults with a truck, SUV or van to help deliver the goods. Please consider giving your time to help us. Sign-up on the Youth Ministry Website.

Youth Ministry brighten up the day with their Sidewalk Chalk Art: Those who attended the Saturday night Mass were greeted by a warm welcome. Unfortunately, the rain washed it away before Sunday morning. Thanks to those who participated.

JPII Graffiti Wall Ideas Needed: Deadline to turn in your ideas for the wall is August. We need input from our youth for the featured artwork. What is a favorite scripture verse or inspirational quote you would like to see on a feature wall in JPII Youth Room? Submit your ideas via email jobryan@stpatlou.org or the Youth Ministry Instagram and Facebook.

Giving Together

Stewardship (7/12/20)   $ 23,543         

Weekly Budget         $ 27,750

Stewardship YTD    $129,209

Budget YTD           $111,000

Over(Under)     $ 18,209

Stewardship: Thanks to those who have returned their stewardship commitments for the new fiscal year that began on July 1. We appreciate your generosity! If you have not yet returned your stewardship commitment for the upcoming fiscal year, please prayerfully discern your gifts of time, talent and treasure and return your hard copy envelope by mail or return to the parish drop box located outside of the parish office entrance. You can find the forms and links for giving on our website: https://stpatlou.org/giving

Pushpay Transition: For parishioners who have not yet transitioned from Vanco to Pushpay, we kindly ask that you migrate to the new platform now. Phone calls are also being made in conjunction with the email requests. Info can be found on our website: https://stpatlou.org/giving. If you have any questions regarding stewardship or PushPay, contact Lynne Marshall at 244-6083 ext. 115 or lmarshall@stpatlou.org.

Memorial BrickWe invite you to build upon our legacy at St. Patrick by participating in our beautiful Memorial Celtic Cross. You can commemorate your time here, whether it be to honor your family, a baptism, graduation, marriage, deceased family members, a favorite scripture verse, ministry, or team. Become a part of our history and leave a lasting impression on the place we love to call home! All checks are payable to the St. Patrick School Foundation and donations are tax deductible. Contact Lynne Marshall, Director of Engagement at (502) 244-6083 or lmarshall@stpatlou.org.

Brick Order Form