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Blog: January 29, 2023

Fr. Jeff and others share reflections on the Sunday readings.

January 29, 2023

“All you who are thirsty,

come to the water!

You who have no money,

come, receive grain and eat;

Come, without paying and without cost,

drink wine and milk!”

All you who are judged harshly

for the mistakes you have made,

come, receive mercy!

All you who are humble and poor,

come, sit at the place of honor;

come, feast on the choicest meat!

All you who are bowed low

by circumstances and systems,

come, sit in the seat of power!

All you who are hungry, 

who pine for justice and peace,

come, be filled;

come, let justice roll like a river,

righteousness like a mighty stream!

All you who are abandoned and alone,

come, you belong to me;

come, you are my child!

All you who are forgotten,

all you who are on the margins,

all you who are dispossessed,

all you who are disposable,

come, come, hear me call your name;

come, receive your promise!

You proclaim my greatness

for I have looked upon you with favor. 

All you who are poor in spirit,

all you who are meek,

all you who mourn,

all you who hunger and thirst after justice,

all you who show mercy,

all you who are clean of heart,

all you who make peace,

all you who are persecuted for justice,

come, receive my favor: be blessed!

Do what is right!

Defend the oppressed,

take up the cause of the weak,

plead the case of the powerless!

Freely you have received, freely give!

*based on a confluence of Luke 1:46-55; Isaiah 1:7; Amos 5:24; Matthew 5:3-10; Matthew 10:8.