Learn more about our Lenten Offerings

Giving Together

Generosity is a key to spiritual life. God has been generous to us. We return it to him.

God is good! God is a giver! All our motivation, talents, abilities, creativity, determination, skills, time, relationships, finances, and even our very lives—everything—is a gift from God. In thanksgiving, we offer it all back to God for his purposes. When we are generous, we reflect God’s goodness. When we give, in any way, we follow Jesus, who gave us himself. We shouldn’t be like buckets, accumulating for ourselves and letting a little extra splash out. We should be like pipes, allowing God’s blessings to flow through us for his purposes. It is key to our spiritual lives and our true happiness.

Giving Options

Additional Ways to Give:

  1. Text "stpatlou" to (833) 245 - 7635
  2. Choose your form of giving from the options above
  3. Drop off your donations in the offertory boxes located in the back of the church.
  4. Mail donations to:

St. Patrick Catholic Church

1000 North Beckley Station Road

Louisville, KY 40245

If you have any questions regarding stewardship or PushPay, contact Lynne Marshall, Director of Engagement, at lmarshall@stpatlou.org.

Stewardship of Time and Talent

Stewardship Intention Form

  • Please fill out a separate form for each member of your household.
  • Please do not submit a form with no ministries selected.