Learn more about our Lenten Offerings

Serving Together

We are called to put our faith into action as a "beacon of Christ's love" to the community.

Service is a running theme throughout the Gospels. Christ served those around Him - feeding the multitudes, healing the sick, and even turning water into wine at a wedding banquet. Service is at the root in living in imitation of Christ. Christ served others throughout His life on Earth and his death on the cross was the ultimate act of service. And when we serve others, we are not only following in Christ’s footsteps, but serving Christ Himself.

We encourage all in our parish community to live out their faith by learning about the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, reaching out generously to those in need, and advocating for a fair and just society.

Opportunities to Serve:

Blood Drive

*February blood drive will be held in schindler hall*

St. Mary's Basketball Tournament

The 50th annual SMC SOKY Basketball Tournament will be on Saturday, February 22, 2025.

Our St. Patrick community has supported this tournament with our time and talent for years.

This year, they need to staff TWO gyms, St. Patrick's Celtic Center and St. Mary's Regina's Center (14207 Aiken Rd).

This is a family fun event and always a big hit with teams, coaches, and fans alike. Click the buttons below to secure your volunteer spot today!

Ministries that Serve:

Additional Service Opportunities

While we offer many programs at the parish to put your faith in action, many parishioners volunteer at other organizations around the city as well. The organizations listed below represent a sampling of options where you could volunteer/donate/etc. to bring Christ’s love and mercy into the world each day: