December 29, 2024
A Reflection from Deacon Scott
Today is Holy Family Sunday, not only to honor the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, but also your family, and all families. The family is the place where we learn life's most important lesson: unselfish love, the love that consists in giving yourself completely for the good of others. Each of us came into the world only because our Mom and Dad laid down their lives for us. We're called to "pay it forward" in our families.
Pope Benedict XVI summarized the role of the family as follows, "The family is the privileged setting where every person learns to give and receive love... an intermediate institution between individuals and society and nothing can completely take its place. The family is a necessary good for people, an indispensable foundation for society."
Outside the walls of the home, you are loved because you perform; inside, you are loved just because you exist. At its best, the family is our first school, where we learn genuine, honest love and care for the goodness of others. With this foundation, we go out and bring God's love to the world, blessing others as we've been blessed.
But family dynamics can be a challenge. In our "me" society, selfishness reigns. In our busy lives, home frequently becomes just a way station for a quick rest before we head out to almost endless activities. Our foundational relationships suffer from lack of attention. Loneliness has recently been flagged as a health crisis in our country.
What are we to do? We 'invest' in the virtues that build strong relationships, that make families thrive. The virtues we need most are honesty, humility, forgiveness, kindness, and patience. Then, we make a commitment to practice all of them with those closest to us - our family. We trust that strong family relationships can form a solid foundation on which to build a rich, abundant, connected lives.
As with many challenges, our faith provides guidance that can help us on the journey:
Put Christ in the center of your family life. The common denominator among strong civilizations is a common spiritual belief. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Pray regularly and ask for God's guidance as you navigate daily life. The family that prays together, stays together.
Guarding your heart, mind, and ears (Philippians 4:8). Staying focused on the Word, using discernment when deciphering society's trends, monitoring media intake, and surrounding yourselves with friends that model strong, life-giving marriages and cherish quality family life are important ways to maintain strength and focus.
Serve together as a family (Proverbs 22:6). Parents are called in the baptism rite to be the first and the best teachers for their children. Children are always watching. Whether by worshipping together, enjoying family leisure time, grace at meals, or doing charitable works, spending quality time together as a family is critical.
Let us pray with Pope Benedict XVI, "O God, who in the Holy Family left us a perfect model of family life lived in faith and obedience to your will, help us to be examples of faith and love." Help our families to thrive, to grow strong in your love, so we might fulfill your will for us and bring glory to your name. Amen.