Learn more about our Lenten Offerings

Memorial Brick

Purchase an engraved memorial brick to commemorate your time at St. Patrick!

Building a Strong Foundation

We invite you to build upon our great legacy at St. Patrick by purchasing an engraved memorial brick to commemorate your time here, whether it be to honor your family, a baptism, graduation, marriage, deceased family members, a favorite scripture verse, ministry or team championship, become part of our history. The bricks and stones form the St. Patrick Celtic Cross, naturally chosen to represent our Irish heritage introduced by St. Patrick.

Help us finish this significant memorial project that will leave a lasting impression on the place we love to call home! Order online here  or submit a hard copy form available in the church gathering space. All checks are payable to the St. Patrick School Foundation and donations are tax deductible. Contact Lynne Marshall, Director of Engagement at 244-6083 or lmarshall@stpatlou.org.