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Confirmation Formation Program (CFP)

The Sacrament of Confirmation is administered to students in their 8th-grade year.

Confirmation Formation Program

Confirmation Formation Program (CFP)

Parish Liaison: Jonna O’Bryan, Director of Youth Ministry, jobryan@stpatlou.org

Time: Sundays 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon (September - November)

Location: JPII Youth Room

Are you interested in Confirmation?

At St. Patrick School the Sacrament of Confirmation is administered to students in their 8th-grade year. All formation is done in the 8th Grade Religion Class. For Non-St. Patrick School student’s formation begins in their 7th Grade year and continues into their 8th Grade year through our Confirmation Formation Program (CFP)

If you would like to register your child and would like to pursue the Sacrament of Confirmation, click HERE for more information. You can reach out to the Director of Youth Ministry discuss the preparation for this sacrament. 

If you are an adult or have an older student that would like to pursue the Sacrament of Confirmation, please visit our Christian Initiation page.

Confirmation Details:

All pertinent information concerning the Sacrament of Confirmation can be found by clicking HERE

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is a sacrament in which those who have been baptized receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, whom the Lord sent upon His apostles at Pentecost. It is a sacrament that celebrates God’s special strengths and gifts in those who have been baptized.

In 1972, the Church published The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). The RCIA stresses the connection between the three sacraments of Christian initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.

  • In Baptism, a person becomes a Christian and receives grace and life from the Holy Spirit.
  • In Confirmation, the baptismal vows are renewed and the sealing of the Holy Spirit serves as a preparation for a mature Christian life.
  • In Eucharist, the great sign of Christian unity, the faithful are nourished and strengthened. They are transformed into a more loving and united community of believers.

Through these sacramental rites, the faithful are officially acknowledged as Christians. They are commissioned to carry out the mission of Christ and His Church.

Confirmation is a parish community celebration. It provides an opportunity for members of the parish family to renew their baptismal commitment. Confirmation time in the parish is a time when the community celebrates the gifts of the Holy Spirit among them.

It is not enough for the candidates (those eligible and preparing for Confirmation) to sit back and learn about faith from the words of a catechist or from a book. They must go out and see for themselves how the Holy Spirit is at work in the community. Confirmation formation is the chance for them to find how the gifts of the Holy Spirit are at work every day. This also helps the candidate to be open to receiving these spiritual gifts in a special way at their Confirmation.

Pentecost saw the Holy Spirit given to the fledgling group of people that was the Church. Peter and the others had experienced both the presence of the Risen Jesus and His Holy Spirit. These remarkable experiences fired them to begin immediately spreading the Good News that Jesus was Lord. He had risen from the dead. God is the God of welcome and love, and the power of God is available to everybody through the coming of the Spirit.

*St. Patrick supports families during times of financial hardship. If your current circumstance requires you to request a confidential fee waiver request, please contact Jonna O’Bryan, Director of Youth Ministry, jobryan@stpatlou.org