Hello everybody!
I hope your Memorial Day weekend was an opportunity to remember, recharge, and renew! Fr. Quan Nguyen was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Assumption by Archbishop Kurtz on Saturday. I was blessed to concelebrate his first Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Athanasius on Saturday evening and his Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Patrick on Monday at 10:00 a.m. Thanks to the many of you that prayed for him or were able to be at one of these celebrations. He is grateful and excited to be joining us as our new Associate Pastor on June 16. Congratulations Cha (Father) Quan!
Fr. Quan Ordination, May 29, 2021
Mom and I were able to visit my stepfather Phil’s grave at Calvary Cemetery on Monday. It was an important moment and step in our grieving process. Although he did not speak about it often, Phil served in the Army in Vietnam. Thank you for your continued love and prayers.
I will be taking some time this weekend to spend in Red River Gorge and, next week, the priests of the Archdiocese will be gathering at St. Meinrad for our Presbyteral Assembly, a time of prayer, fellowship, and learning. It will be good to be with them again from Monday through Thursday. Please know of my prayers for you all!
On Sunday, June 13, we will have hospitality (cookies!) after the masses as we say goodbye to Fr. Steven. May God bless him as he prepares for the next step in his priestly journey to serve God’s people.
Fr. Jeff
Beacon of Hope Project Updates
- The replacement of HVAC for the Church is a component of our Beacon of Hope Capital Campaign and is in process. There are 12 rooftop units that will be replaced on the Church and these RTUs are currently in transit to Louisville. Once the equipment is on-site, the installation and replacement will take place. We expect this to be completed within the next 2 weeks.
- The Baptismal font is currently closed for maintenance. This is due to some much needed repairs to grout, tiles, etc. Thanks for your patience as we work through these repairs over the next few weeks.
Congrats Mike Edelen on your retirement!
Daniel Behling, Mike Edelen, Diego Tavares
Welcome to our summer maintenance team!
Alec McGuire, Avery Nilsen, Josh Schroering and Debbie Cunningham
Check out our website for contact info, information, updates, and bulletin.
Important Phone Numbers
Parish Office: 244-6083
School Office: 244-7083
Emergency Line for Sacramental Care: 244-6083 x 498
St. Patrick - Saint Vincent dePaul Conference: 244-6083 x 114
*Requests to the SVDP society are 100% confidential. Call if you or someone you know is in need.
Parish Office Hours
Monday - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday - 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Summer Office hours effective June 7 - August 13:
Monday - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday - Thursday - 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday - 7:30 a.m. - Noon
Praying Together
Safe at Worship Guidelines
To Protect All:
- Stay at home if you have a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19.
- Masks are not required for those who have been vaccinated.
- Wash or sanitize your hands when entering the church.
- Three sections of the church are open with no distancing guidelines.
- The section to the right as you enter the church has seating in every other row, which is marked. Maintain three seats between households in this area.
- Maintain distancing when going to and from Communion in the right section.
- Exchange a non-touch Sign of Peace and do not hold hands with other households during the Our Father.
- Sing softly or do not sing, using the words on the screen to pray with the song.
- Please drop your stewardship contributions in the green boxes by the doors.
To Accommodate All:
- Streaming Masses for: daily Mass, Saturday 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 5:30 p.m..
- Confessions at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday in the Pastoral Suite or by appointment.
- Those who are sick, vulnerable and worried are dispensed from the normal Sunday obligation.
- Communion, only hosts will be distributed.
- Ministers wear masks and sanitize hands before and each time physical contact is made.
- Church and all accessed areas cleaned after each Mass.
Mass Times:
Saturday - 5:00 p.m.*
Sunday - 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.*
Monday - 5:00 p.m.*
Tuesday - Friday - 8:00 a.m.*
*Streamed Masses
Rosary in the Chapel:
Saturdays at 4:30 p.m.
Sundays at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Mass streaming live and archived on:
YouTube (Saint Patrick Catholic Church)
Reconciliation: 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays. If you would like to set up a private appointment with one of our priests, please call the Parish Office (502-244-6083).
Eucharistic Adoration: First Tuesday of each month from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Learning Together
St. Patrick's "Walking in My Shoes" final event this Thursday, June 3 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.: Event five entitled "The Challenge to Oppose Racism" will discuss the questions: What should we do? What actions can we take? If you missed events one, two, and three, they are available for viewing on our YouTube channel.
- Click HERE for event one: An Overview of Racism" with Fr. John Judie.
- Click HERE for event two “Stories of Racism”.
- Click HERE for event three, which was the documentary film "13th".
To register for event five or to ask questions, contact Tim Grove at 719-0362 or tgrove@stpatlou.org.
Children’s Formation
Families with Young Children Ministry: A ministry that serves families with infants through kindergarten aged children, will host a series of "Popsicles on the Playground" in June. If you are interested in learning more information please contact Susanna Means, ministry leader at susanna.k.means@gmail.com or Tammy Kessler, staff liaison at tkessler@stpatlou.org.
Save the Date! School and Nursery: These ministries open September 12, 2021. To learn more or pre-register, please contact Tammy Kessler at tkessler@stpatlou.org.
Sacrament Preparation 2021-22: Rising 2nd graders should expect to receive information about sacrament preparation for 2021-2022 by the end of June. If it is your wish to have your child celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion, and your child has not yet received the sacrament of Baptism, contact Tammy Kessler at tkessler@stpatlou.org.
Serving Together
Blood Drive, Sunday June 20 from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the Celtic Center Gym: Patients and hospitals are relying on the generosity of blood donors. Your donation can help save more than one life. We encourage all donors to schedule an appointment HERE. Donors will be accepted without appointments if we have open appointment times on the schedule. Donors may complete the Rapid Pass the day of the blood drive to expedite the administrative processing time prior to your donation. The link to the Rapid Pass site is HERE. Give the Gift of Life!
Joining Together
Youth Ministry: Details and sign-ups for events at Youth Ministry Website
Contact Information: Youth Office (502) 244-6083 ext. 102
Jonna O’Bryan at jobryan@stpatlou.org
Birgit Zepf at bzepf@stpatlou.org
Madison Whitehouse at mwhitehouse@stpatlou.org
2021 Confirmation Dates
- Confirmation - Friday, November 19 at 7:00 pm
- Parent/Student Meeting: August 29 at 9:45 a.m.- 10:50 a.m., Schindler Hall
- Sponsor/Student Meeting: September 12 at 9:45 a.m.- 10:50 a.m., Schindler Hall
Confirmation preparation for all non-St. Patrick School 7th & 8th grade students (PREP) will begin in the fall. The formation of the sacrament begins in the student’s 7th grade year. Any 8th grade student who wishes to be confirmed in 2021 needs to fully register for PREP(Parish Religious Education Program) in the fall. If this 8th grade student did not attend PREP in their 7th grade year, please contact Tim Grove at 244-6083 by June 24 in order to be confirmed in 2021.
Interested in the St. Patrick Archery Team? Archery is open for students in grades 4-8. Registration begins in the fall, but we will offer summer practices starting on June 16. This allows your student to try out archery and see if it is a good fit before they commit to a season. If you have a student that is interested, contact Diana Blaine at dianablaine.archery@gmail.com or call/text at (502) 500-7506.
Young Ladies “GO BRAVELY”: A small group for girls in the incoming grades of 8-10 for 2021/2022. Join Stacey O’Bryan and Lindsay Mahoney, along with the Youth Ministry team, for an adventure into the heart of what it means to live as a vibrant and joyful young christian woman. Join us for an information session on June 9.
Moms “GUIDE BRAVELY”: Youth Ministry is offering moms of young ladies to gather and study the “Go Bravely” book together. This study is for moms of ALL young ladies whether they are in the small group or not. We are excited about this resource and know that all moms can benefit from the book and wisdom of others during the discussions. We will meet at the same time as the young ladies but in a different location. Join us for an informational session on June 9. These groups are filling up fast. Sign-up Youth Ministry Website.
Upcoming Events
- “Go Bravely” Small Group - June 9
- Malibu Jack’s - June 13
- Holiday World - July 21
- Jr. High Youth Ministry Leadership Training - July 18 & 25, Aug. 1 & 8
- Summer Days of Service- July 19 and August 3 (more dates TBA)
- 7th & 8th Grade Fall Mission Trip - October 27-30
- National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) - Nov. 18-20
Celtic Athletic Ministry (CAM) Newsletter: Check out the latest athletics news, including sign-ups for sports and other important information at CAM Newsletter.
Giving Together
Stewardship 5-31-21 $16,398
Weekly Budget $22,000
Stewardship YTD $1,486,734
Budget YTD $1,561,000
Over(Under) ($74,266)
Stewardship: Thank you for sharing your gifts of time, talent and treasure. We appreciate your generosity! You can find forms and links for your 2021-22 stewardship online giving submission via our website https://stpatlou.org/stewardshiprenewal. Or you can return the hard copy form in the return envelope that was included in your renewal packets mailed the first week in March. **If you are currently using online giving via Pushpay and there are no changes to your stewardship gift of treasure, no action is needed. If you have questions about your stewardship gifts, ministry offerings and online giving, contact Lynne Marshall, Director of Engagement at (502) 244-6083 or lmarshall@stpatlou.org.
Memorial Brick: We invite you to build upon our legacy at St. Patrick by participating in our beautiful Memorial Celtic Cross. You can commemorate your time here, whether it be to honor your family, a baptism, graduation, marriage, deceased family members, a favorite scripture verse, ministry, or team. Become a part of our history and leave a lasting impression on the place we love to call home! All checks are payable to the St. Patrick School Foundation and donations are tax deductible. Contact Lynne Marshall, Director of Engagement at (502) 244-6083 or lmarshall@stpatlou.org.