Learn more about our Lenten Offerings

Welcome Home Ministry

Become a visible disciple of our welcoming Church community.

Staff Liaison: Madison Whitehouse Monnin | Coordinator of Hospitality and Communications | mwhitehouse@stpatlou.org |


The Welcome Home Ministry's most critical role is to greet and interact with people as they enter the church. We are a welcoming group that is also there to assist and answer questions. We typically reside at the Welcome Desk in the gathering space as you enter the church and assist in the behind the scenes details during the weekend and Holy day masses. We are always looking for motivated, energetic, and welcoming individuals to join our ministry team to serve at one or two masses each month. Training is provided.


PART 1: Pick a Weekend evening mass or one of our training options. We will spend 30 - 45 minutes overviewing the ministry duties and responsibilities, then we ask that you stay for the upcoming mass to walk through how a typical mass goes and we continue training "on the job".

PART 2: Once you have completed Part 1 you will need to attend all the weekend masses at least once (this does NOT have to be done in one weekend, you get to pick what works best for your schedule). When you attend these masses you will work with another member of the Welcome Home Ministry team to continue your training and learning the nuances of the different masses.

COMPLETION: After completing both parts of this training, you get to tell us when you feel ready to take on a mass on your own.

Please note that we never want you to have to do this alone. We encourage you to go through this with a friend or family member so you always have a partner/team to do it with.


fill out this brief form and we'll be in touch