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Sunday Children's Ministry

Opportunities for some of our youngest parishioners through Sunday School and Sunday Nursery.

Sunday Children's Ministry

Parish Liaison: Joanie Hendricks, Director of Children’s Formation,

Time: Sundays 11 a.m. Mass; Drop off 10:45 a.m. (September - April/May)

Location: Preschool Rooms

Who: Ages 1 through 1st Grade

Price: All children are invited to attend. We ask parents for their generosity of time by volunteering to assist the lead ministers at least three times per year. 

St. Patrick Sunday Children’s Ministry is designed to help provide entire families with the opportunity to strengthen their relationship with Jesus. This ministry includes the Sunday Nursery and Sunday School during the 11 a.m. Mass. We consider it a privilege to be able to provide this ministry to families and look forward to seeing you on Sunday mornings. 

Sunday Nursery-Ages 1 through 3 

The Sunday Nursery Ministry operates as a service to our families. It is limited to the first 10 children each week. The ministry is staffed with Nursery Ministers who serve our tiniest members of the community. All Nursery Ministers have received the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Training and have completed a background check. 

We do ask parents to volunteer as an aide to the Nursery Minister at least three times per year.  


Sunday School-Ages 4 through 1st Grade 

Sunday School Ministry operates as a service to our families. We welcome all children ages 4 through 1st Grade to learn about God’s love for them while singing songs, creating crafts, and playing games related to the Sunday Gospel and Liturgical calendar. The ministry is staffed with Sunday School Catechists who have received the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Training and have completed a background check.    

We do ask parents to volunteer as a teacher’s aide at least three times per year. 


Catechists and Volunteers:

Parental involvement is vital to the success of this ministry. Our ministry depends on the help of parents to help keep the classroom organized and the kids on task. We ask that if your child is going to participate that you volunteer at least three times per year.  


Adult volunteers should complete the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Training and a background check. If you are unsure of whether you have completed this training or if you need to complete the training, please contact Lori Mehlbauer in the parish office, Click HERE for the link to the Archdiocese Safe Environment Training class schedule.