Learn more about our Lenten Offerings

Youth Ministry

Our Youth Ministry is open for ALL youth from our parish in grades 6-12.

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth... Ecclesiastes 12:1

Teenage years are an important time in spiritual, social, and moral development. St. Patrick Youth Ministry reaches out to support these growing values for youth in grades six through twelve in faith-filled, enriching ways that are interesting, fun, practical, and real.

Youth Ministry activities and events are held each month throughout the year at various times and dates. Activities are totally ~ Service, Social, and Spiritual oriented. These gatherings are a great place to hang out with old friends, meet new friends, have a great time, grab some food, and learn how Jesus Christ can make a positive difference in your life.

Middle School/Junior High

Grades 6-8

We the youth are not the church of the future.

We are the church today.

We learn how to walk in the foot steps of Jesus.


High School

Grades 9-12

Learn to live out the gospel message as we serve others in the community. 

We strive to serve the Church, serve one another, and serve in leadership to the Middle school/Jr. High Youth program. 


Confirmation and Confirmation Formation Program

St. Patrick School Student - 8th Grade

Any Other School Student - 7th & 8th Grade

Through the sacramental rite, ​the faithful are officially acknowledged as Christians and are commissioned to carry out the mission of Christ and His Church.


Additional Youth Ministry Programming

Grades 9-12

Opportunities for involvement:

  • Scouting- Boys & Girls



Check out some things we've done:
